Automated drinking water disinfection on a sow farm - Konax Agridos
What type of water do you use?
Benoît: Most of the used water is drain water, coming from drain water pipes at a depth of 4 meters below ground level. In the summer, this is exceptionally insufficient and then we supplement with well water (coming from a depth of 20 meters). The average water consumption at our farm is 50 m³ per day.
Why do you think it's important to treat your water?
Benoît: We think this is important because of the high health status we strive for. Water is an essential part of this, the animals drink a lot and we want to be sure that this water is of good quality. For the ‘Certus quality label’ we regularly need to take water samples. We always do this at the tapping point at 350 meters distance from the source, to be sure that our entire water lines are in good shape. Since the installation of the Konax® Agridos at our farm, bad water quality is no longer a concern and that gives us peace of mind, which is our biggest motivation.
Why did you choose for the Konax® Agridos?
Benoît: To be on the safe side! Like many companies, we used to have a simple dosing pump that dosed product through an injection line. It happened too often that we ran out of product and so were too late to replace the drum. Sometimes something went wrong with the dosing without knowing. It was something we had to monitor constantly without really having time for it. A break in dosing, no matter how short, created a new risk for biofilm growth and again a risk of having a bad water sample.
The Konax® Agridos completely eliminates this worry, everything runs automatically, the product is produced and dosed automatically. We feel safe with it, no more risk of contamination. The device is also equipped with several alarms that warn us preventively if the product levels are low or if something else goes wrong with our treatment or in our water supply system.
Do you need to follow up on anything yourself?
Benoît: Not really, the Konax® Agridos can be followed through an on-line platform. We receive an e-mail notification if something goes wrong with the dosing. Additionally, there is the follow up by the Konax team, who notify us if we didn’t see our mail straight away. Updates also run remotely, and the raw materials needed to produce our disinfectant are delivered automatically before they are empty.
Does the Konax® Agridos offer any other benefits?
Benoît: Through the Konax® IoT-platform, it is also possible to track water consumption on my farm. Water consumption is directly related to the health status of our animals. With the Konax® Agridos, we see suspicious variations in water consumption faster. This makes it a fantastic tool to monitor our farm in a better way and take preventive action quickly and easily, based on the generated data.
Would you recommend the Konax® Agridos to your colleagues?
Benoît: Definitely! The reassurance that the water is of good quality is worth a lot and we are also very satisfied with the smooth on-line, and real-time monitoring of the device via the platform!