Treatment of Process water in meat processing sector
This slaughterhouse uses a mixture of groundwater and city water to be used as process water, rinse water and feed the warm water production. The groundwater is being de-ironed and stored in two storage tanks of 100 and 150 m³. The weekly need for water is about 2,000 m³.
Before storage in the tanks, the pumped water used to be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite. This treatment was sufficient for many years, until the moment E. Coli was detected in the water samples during a routine sampling. Initially, thorough cleaning of the storage tanks and increased chlorination of the water was initiated, but this did not bring a solution.
Konax was called in because it was suspected that the biofilm was the cause of the continued recontamination with E.Coli. This biofilm could not be removed, even not by increasing the dosage of chlorine.
Due to the acute problem, we immediately started by applying Diox Forte as an additional disinfection of the process water. After 2 weeks of this supporting disinfection, the problem was resolved, and the water results were negative for E.Coli.
This continuous additional water treatment with Diox Forte proved to be necessary to keep the biofilm under control and eliminate the risk of a new E.coli infection. Therefore, we switched to our fully automatic dosing system, the Konax Prodis. The Konax Prodis controls now three dosing pumps, one for each circuit which needs to be treated separately.
During the first weeks after start-up, the residual concentration was monitored weekly by the quality manager. After a few readjustments, the results were stable and the customer has an accurately tuned, fully automatic water treatment system. Further follow-up on correct dosing and waterflow is done continuously through the on-line Konax-IoT Platform.